Lifestyle Paris picnic recipe Travel

Chocolate Cake Picnic Paris

Chocolate Cake Picnic Paris


Recipe: My Grand’Ma chocolate & Banana & Coconut.

Cake 250g Dark desert chocolate
250g salted butter
200g sugar
70g flower

2 bananas / 300g coconut powder
4 egg

– Preheat the oven 180°C (Th.6-7)
– Gently melt the chocolate “au bain marie” then let it cool..
– Mix butter in ambiant temperature with the sugar for 4mn. Then mix the eggs one after the other mixing vigorously in between each eggs.
– Add the chocolate and flower. Mix up delicately.
– The final composure should have a mousse texture!
– 30mn in the oven

Now once ready quite important WAIT until the next morning until you enjoy your “gateau au chocolat”.

Patience is king!